Monday, July 13, 2009


hi, guys.

so lately ive been kinna distant. and if i was physically there, i really wasnt. 'whats wrong you joanne?' you might ask. nigggga i dont know. -_- i feeel empty, i feel bored, i feel..abnormal!

like seriously, im not even hungry all the time. i hardly sleep, i hardly eat, i hardly hang, i hardly call. whaduuppp man? i think its juss cuh of summer yknow? well i havent been going out all that much. & thats about to change. i juss hope i get outta this ish! i wna feel the wind in my hair, the sun beaming through my shades! i wna let loose & let God. i juss wna be happy.

gah! i really really needa get out, homes. i feel so antisocial! partly my fault since i can't go out because my parents see me as a couch potato. but i dont even do that! gah! they're not even home half the time so see what i'm actually doing. & the times they are home its juss yelling and more yelling..or nothing at all. but of course, there are those days when everyone is happy! and i wish i had a liferecorder thing in my brain to capture the moments. i'm not saying my family sucks! we juss needa hang more. & they needa let loose.

well, i guess all im saying is.. things are gna change. idunno how this ties in to what i juss wrote, but ha, whatev. things hopefully.. AHEM.. will change..for the better!

& to prove that things are changing! getting kinna hungry. for the first time in 4days. ha.
wish me luck guys. pray for me.

God Bless!

Friday, June 12, 2009

not so fresh.

WOOOH! the school. year. is. OVER. :D
i'm so over school! :D over the finals, the drama, the homework, the teachers.. the drama!
hahahah. wow, school went by madfast, yo! i thought like three months ago was summer. and its been another year. another academic school year! anddd yeee yeeeee. not a freshman anymore, whadupppp. though i didnt look like one, didnt like being one! :D ahhaah.
wowww, i'm so pooped from finals, guys. pooped from the drama, pooped from the errthang. need. to. rest. haha.
but oh no no no.. the coming of the end of the school year is bittersweet. no more everyday bestfriend faces, hugging, laughing, EATING, joking.. but my baby is leaving! my baby model! oh goodness me. luigi. LUIGI VILLANUEVA. ;( darling, you're leaving! goodness gravy.

i cannot get used to the fact that you wont be here next year! ohman.. what a coincidence it was going to the same school after SO... MANY.. YEARS..
we went to canada when we were like.. what?!.. 6 years old? and jusss happppen to run into eachother in highschool. ohbuddy, none of us can see you leave! you're too cool for sunny hills. SUNNY HILLS? sounds like a highschool right outtaaa the tv! gulay, luigi! you've made so many friends.. so many memories! .. like singing with geoff and deric. oh man were you a chick magnet! i can't believe its over. ;( i cannot picture school without you!'re so much fun luigi! you're so funny! PHOTOGENIC, you model, you. even with your funnyness & goofyness, you're so deep! so good at the words, so good at the drawing. you're so creative! you're so .. AHH! unbelievable! i'm going to miss you, my friend. and HOPEFULLY, juss HOPEFULLY we'll meet again soon. meet again on the REGULAR. we are gonnaa miss you my budd! can't live without you!.. well.. we could but our lives would be SO. GOSH. DARN. BORING.
mr. luigi, you didnt sign my yearbook! we ran outta time! and you didnt make me that wallet! gah, fool! it was supposed to be my reminder of you! hahah. & man .. we didnt play hackysack after that one time king got mine on the roof -__- kingkingking. hahah.
luigi luigi luigi. so sad it is coming to an end. ;( we'll make time for eachother bud. all of us! we'll hang over the summer & stay friends forEVER. :D haha love you, luigi, the model! :D
so as this day comes to an end-- i'd just like to say, what a YEAR. hahah. it felt weird, it was weird. I AM WEIRD. :D hahah bittersweet ending to the first year of highschool. we won't miss it! except.. for meeting/seeing LUIGI! :D see you soon, my little flower. dont bloom too much in sunny hills.. dont bloom too much.

Monday, May 18, 2009


my oh my, do i feel like optimus prime!

this past weekend has seriously been life changing. i am SO happy i got the guts to accept the invitation to this camp. so much fun, so many memories! new people, new friends, new family! gahh i cannot find the words to express how happy i've been today! and its only the first day. ohmygulay. i loved the worships we had, the prayovers, the hangouts! the CRYING! it all felt so good! i have never cried SO MUCH at a camp. i've never shed a tear! sure, i got all water eyed.. but ohmygulaaaayy. cried erryday at camp, man! i LOVED it. hahahha.

this camp opened my eyes to see everything. to see all the wrongdoing, the hurt. imagine if JO didnt invite me. imagine all the things i would have done, the things i would have said. i love her so much!

and goodness gravy! being reunited with JO, NICA ANDDD NATHAN? thas wsup foreaaaal!

im so happy i went. GAH so happy happy happy :D

the downside.. =(
daddy doesnt like it.

i'll pray about it. please pray for me, too! need all the help i can get.

i love my new family. & i'm not plannin on leaving! :D

may 15-17, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


so some of you kids heard that i 'm visiting the other side.

i'm not really, yaknow? i miss my homies that are in there! im not leaving you guys. weez weak right now, and ima not bail. so they're bigger than us, stronger than us, happier than us--so what?! so freaken what? we can be like that.
so some of us hate eachother.. its whatevs! we'll work on that ish! i'm not leaving cuh we're so weak and inactive. i'm exploring new things, meeting new people, reuniting with the oldies. i havent seen these kiddos in like 3 years. gimme a break.

we've got drama in our group--some drama half the kids dont even know about. we're gotta grow, we've gotta bond! we're supposed to be a family! why can't we do that? so what if someone's a flirt, or a jerk, or the quiet kid--we'll work on it! we're not supposed to be hating and talking smack on people's back. thas so lame! yeah, so i do it, too. haha hypocrite right there, but i'm working on it, too.

so the whole event is coming up this weekend, and the rest of you will find out. im not leaving! i'll be in both. :) whass wrong with that? so what if the ccoords think its not a bad idea? (if they do, idk, ha.) we weren't the ones that were supposed to split. we're were supposed to be the biggbutt familyy--the youth! i hope we can look over this thing. i'm just exploring new things.

and if you wna join, then do it! we'll be in both together. we'll have the big family that we're supposed to have. of course the gas money will pile up, buts its okay! its all in God's hands from here! :D

love you guys! alla you guys! each and erry one of you! <3

&&&& star trek was the ish! :D

Friday, April 24, 2009

family feud.

so we're like family right? we've known eachother for what.. two and a half years? and you still treat me like the gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe. you bitxh and i take it. i bitxh and you get butthurt. c'mon dude, wsup?

you were supposed to be the nice guy, the bestfriend, the one i can talk to for everything-- the one that wouldnt judge. you are the total opposite. you're the jerk. the enemy. you're the ignored.

what happened? whyd you hafta act like how you act? c'mon man. not cool.
you were my bestfriend...WERE. and foreal, i don't think we can change that now.

you were my brother..
but now, its just a family feud.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


so i'm new at this blogging thing. venting to a computer screen is EH. yaknow? its like.. come on computer.. respond.

so it's gonna take a while for me to get used to this whole blogging trend we gotsss going on.
it'll take some time. but, hey! trying new things right? right.