Monday, July 13, 2009


hi, guys.

so lately ive been kinna distant. and if i was physically there, i really wasnt. 'whats wrong you joanne?' you might ask. nigggga i dont know. -_- i feeel empty, i feel bored, i feel..abnormal!

like seriously, im not even hungry all the time. i hardly sleep, i hardly eat, i hardly hang, i hardly call. whaduuppp man? i think its juss cuh of summer yknow? well i havent been going out all that much. & thats about to change. i juss hope i get outta this ish! i wna feel the wind in my hair, the sun beaming through my shades! i wna let loose & let God. i juss wna be happy.

gah! i really really needa get out, homes. i feel so antisocial! partly my fault since i can't go out because my parents see me as a couch potato. but i dont even do that! gah! they're not even home half the time so see what i'm actually doing. & the times they are home its juss yelling and more yelling..or nothing at all. but of course, there are those days when everyone is happy! and i wish i had a liferecorder thing in my brain to capture the moments. i'm not saying my family sucks! we juss needa hang more. & they needa let loose.

well, i guess all im saying is.. things are gna change. idunno how this ties in to what i juss wrote, but ha, whatev. things hopefully.. AHEM.. will change..for the better!

& to prove that things are changing! getting kinna hungry. for the first time in 4days. ha.
wish me luck guys. pray for me.

God Bless!